The following airlines fly from this airport: Please note - this site is still under development and this information is very incomplete - so far we have only entered routes from around 20% of the world's airlines!
Available destinationsYou can fly directly to the following destinations from Dress Regional Airport (EVV), Evansville IN, United States:Airport Name | Three letter code | Town / City | Country | Airlines serving this route | Atlanta | ATL | Atlanta GA | United States | Delta Air Lines
| Indianapolis International Airport | IND | Indianapolis IN | United States | American Trans Air
| St Paul International Airport | MSP | Minneapolis MN | United States | Horizon Air
| Chicago | ORD | Chicago IL | United States | Horizon Air
| Deadhorse/prudhoe B Airport | SCC | Prudhoe Bay/Deadhorse AK | United States | Horizon Air
| San Francisco | SFO | San Francisco CA | United States | Horizon Air
| San Jose Municipal Airport | SJC | San Jose CA | United States | Horizon Air
| Salt Lake International Airport | SLC | Salt Lake City UT | United States | Horizon Air
| Vancouver International Airport | YVR | Vancouver BC | Canada | Horizon Air
| 9 routes recorded for this aiport.Other destinations will no doubt be added as we get information for more airlines.